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Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year 2015 welcome new episode of Keroro Gunsou 212 and Keroro File: 003!

Welcome everyone in 2015 year! Just as promised, there will be an update of the new episodes! Woo-hoo! Let's move on, shall we?

Keroro Gunsou 212: Keroro, Don't Look at That! De Arimasu! / 556 VS Space Superintendent. De Arimasu!

Keroro File: 003: Alien Observation

In Keroro Gunsou episode, Keroro caused another trouble in the Hinata residence and made Natsumi angry again, then Giroro tells him to be ready for the training camp at the Kujukuri Planet tomorrow. Later Keroro got a call from Tamama to meet at 8 am, but Keroro found Natsumi's photo that Giroro dropped while packing his luggage, and used a marker to draw some doodles on it.

Next day the Keroro Platoon arrived to the Kujukuri Planet once again and put their training uniforms. Then suddenly, Tamama can't find his uniform, but Dororo tells him to borrow his backup uniform because he left his in his room.

Then Keroro and Giroro remember something about that photo. Keroro drew some doodles on it and he forgot to hide it. Giroro wrote a hot message on the back of the photo so Natsumi won't be able to find it, and now they are in big trouble.

Keroro must call Mois to hide it, while Giroro will ask Fuyuki to help him keep it away. Will Keroro and Giroro make it in time to hide thast photo from Natsumi?

556 and Lavie are watching the shooting stars, while Lavie proposed 556 to make a wish before they disappear. Then the big shooting star was heading for 556 and landed on ti, but it was just a spaceship that belongs to the Space Superintendent K and he disguise himself as 556 to find the spca criminal Amoeba who has escaped while escorting him to the space jail.

Will 556 and Space Superintendent K work out together to capture that criminal?

In File: 003, The Hinatas gave Keroro a room in order to do the household chores, and his invasion is about to begin. In next morning, Aki thought of an idea to put a camera on Keroro's room and observe him, Fuyuki was chose to be observing him in order to see what he is doing. What kind of the invasion is Keroro plotting? Will he find out the camera?

Keroro Gunsou 212

Keroro File: 003

The future of the  "Keroro Gunsou's Have a Laugh! De Arimasu!" series! got a good light.

Yeah. Next update will be Keroro File: 004 and something good too. How's that? Ke-Kero!