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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Keroro Gunsou 298 Mois is Hugging Tamama and our Saburo-senpai!

Finally I have subbed Keroro Gunsou 298. It tells all about Mois and Saburo, but let's show the titles.

Mois, Farewell Pekopon. De Arimasu! / Saburo, the Mysterious Boy. De Arimasu!

Mois got a letter it saids she must leave Pekopon and destroy it before she leave, but Mois is actually the King of Terror who cames to destroy the Earth. Everyone don't know who Saburo is. He's a boy like us. But he haves so many faces in other dimensions. Fuyuki is the only one who was many of them. It's their secret and I won't tell it.


Mois is Hugging Tamama is a best scene ever! This is a first FuyuXSabu moment!

How's that? Ke-Kero!

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