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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Keroro 292 dreamland is out!

Hi! Keroro 292 is out, so it's time to show a dreamland! Titles are: Natsumi, The Secret of the Drawer. De Arimasu! / Keroro, You're in My Dream. De Arimasu!

Natsumi's room has been haunted by aliens - well, it's becuase a child alien lost his father, and can't go home. And his name's Stan (For the word "Tansu" in Japanese "drawer".) You know what they are calling a stamp collection? To collect every stamp, and you'll get a prize.

reams are not good know as nightmares, but I'm not telling about Freddy Kruger or Jason - just because we're in the dream. Keroro and the others are trapped in the dreams, but if the non-REM level reach to 100%, they will sleep forever. And never return to the real world. The worthess nightmare is 556! Will they be able to escape, or they'll sleep forever and never wake up?


Next up is Keroro 310, it's Tamama's turn! How's that? Ke-Kero!

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