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Monday, June 6, 2011

Keroro Gunsou 293 Gero Gero 30 minutes is subbed by Radekiman!

Hey, Keroro Gunsou 293 Gero Gero 30 minutes has been subbed by me!

Title is: Once Again Gero Gero 30 Minutes. De Arimasu!

Including 13 stories in one episode. 

I can't tell which one are. Anyways, it about Feng Shui, under one room the ball, letters, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Dreams, Memories, Koyuki searching for Saburo's living, and live-action Keroro Gunsou!


Do you know Gero Gero is took only 20 minutes? I don't know. KeroXTama really freaks me out about listening this letter from a boy who loves their program.

Next up is Keroro 287, this time better and new. How's that? Ke-Kero!


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