

Keroro is messing the train

Keroro is messing the train
Don't make a mess.

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The Pink Panther series
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Hamtaro fansubs

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Keroro Platoon Special Episode!

Keroro Platoon is finally out!

Here's the titles: Keroro Platoon, A Cake is a Men's Battlefield! De Arimasu! Keroro Platoon, Let's Start the Color Operation! De Arimasu!

Keroro and Giroro want a Christmas Cake, but the borderline don't make sense. They'll fighting on cake and get the house for one! This is a men's battlefield. After five years of the show, Keroro was tired of this. But he got an idea, and swap the color as well as new. Then it's coming Mecha Viper RX, and what's new is coming? And also it haves a lyrics of song Ding Dong Senjou no Cake.


Next up is Keroro 2 Special. How's that?

KeKero! Radekiman.


  1. LOL! This looks hilarious, especially with them switching their colors!

    What episode is this? Is it from season 3?
