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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Keroro Gunsou episode 328 with parodies of the series

Hello, everyone! And Happy New Year! Time for more Keroro Gunsou episodes! Today's episode is: Momoka, I Want to be Nomal! De Arimasu! / Paul's Day Off. De Arimasu!
In this episode Momoka want to be normal and check the family simulation. There are so many parodies fom the series like (Sazae-san), (My Family) and (Crayon Shin-chan). Paul's is quiting from the Nishizawas? The Keroro Platoon must keep an eye of him so they will find out what's going on.

Next time is something very, very good. How's that's?



  1. Must be an error, but don't worry. They will just fix Rapidshare in a jiffy.

  2. I think they just changed something on Rapidshare. You must first have a permission of me, then you will have to download.

  3. how do i get the permission to download?

  4. the rapidshare link is unavailable.. try this to fix it: http://www.starrguide.com/2013/02/rapidshare-error-download-permission-denied-by-uploader.html#.UUc8KBenC4g
