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Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The global warming episode 220 and Super 723 File: 006 are here!
Welcome again, everyone! It's time for another update of the new subbed episode of Keroro Gunsou and Keroro Flash series! Let's start with today's titles.
Keroro Gunsou 220: Keroro, What is Global Warming? De Arimasu! / Sababa, The Devil King of the Desert. De Arimasu!
Keroro File: 006: Monstrous Earth Girl Super Natsumi, Arrives! A.K.A Sister's Transformation
The episode 220 tell about Earth's global warming like, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, heat, temperature, and cold. There's no much to say about this episode, but Keroro wants to use it for invasion to stop Earth's global warming. There are so many details what to do to stop global warming, use ecofriendly bags instead of the plastic bags, replacing fossil fuel with a corn fuel, turninng the air conditioner's temperature up and down, andfinally senting the capsule with Guiwowo trapped inside to the summit to complete their invasion. ou must necessarily watch this episode.
During the trip to the Egypt, the Keroro Platoon and Fuyuki are exploring inside the pyramid to find a buried treasure the ancient Keronians left. While falling into an empty room, Keroro pressed the cobra symbol on the floor and launched the controller to create sand artificial Kerinian, Sababa and his minions. They were used to build the pyramids and the Sphinx, but the truth is they rebelled against the ancient Keronians and were sealed inside the pyramid over hundreds of years. And now their seal is removed, they will cause another chaos on Earth. Will the Keroro Platoon stop them before it's too late?
Keroro File: 006 is based on Chapter 20.5 of the manga, and it wasn't even included in Anime version of Keroro Gunsou at all. How sadly. But it's the first episode of the Flash series to include this chapter and it haves so many changes like Super 723's hair is colored blonde rather than being fully pink.
The episode starts with Natsumi and Fuyuki walking to school. Fuyuki appears to be in a great mood, while Natsumi is shown to be extremely tired. Fuyuki notices this and questions it, Natsumi threatening her brother. She explains that the Keroro Platoon kept her up all night with their resonance. Fuyuki noting of how he didn't even hear them. The conversation however is interrupted when Mutsumi is shown tossing a reality pen, than tosses a paper down onto Natsumi. Meanwhile, Keroro is holding a meeting, asking his platoon mates to come up with ideas. Tamama raises his hand first and says that he would turn all off Pekopon's water into cola, and have them all eat sweets and snacks. Giroro says that they should make an army with the Pekoponians, than invade with them. Kururu motions something about bottles, while Dororo talks about how beautiful Pekopon is only to get shut down by Keroro and Tamama. Keroro says that his idea is about invading Pekopon through toys and gaming. Keroro than says that now that they all had good plans they can start invading.
However a strange voice is heard, The voice belongs to a girl named Super Natsumi (Super 723), she explains how Mutsumi drew her to fight evil. Giroro than attacks Super 723, only to get punched into a wall. Keroro then has Kururu pull a lever, the world changing into a different dimension. Super 723 seems very confused at the change when Giroro comes back to attack, and it fails once again. Keroro questions Super 723's power as she explains that Mutsumi made her 100 times more powerful than the Normal Natsumi. She than prepares to attack Keroro, when the drawing of Super 723 is ruined. Natsumi and Keroro are confused, as Mutsumi is seen ripping the drawing, laughing along with Tamama. Keroro than states that they can now invade, as Natsumi stands confused. Soon Fuyuki is seen brushing his teeth with Cola, and Natsumi appears dressed for combat, both very sad about the turn out. As you can see, this was the first time the Keroro Platoon's plan succeed without a failer.
.Oh, I also found this interesting fact. The scene of Dororo reading a book on lighted candle wasn't included in TV version at all. Instead, they show a scene with Keroro watching TV. This scene can only be founded on Japanese DVD or the International versions like Italy, China or Thailand. Click the picture below to view it.
Keroro Gunsou episode 220
Keroro File: 006
Well, that's all for today, but the next update will be in next couple of days. And I got some good news, the Keroro Gunsou Have a Laugh series is annouced to be released in March or at the end of Febuary. More information about the upcoming subbed episodes or shows will be added on this blog. How's that? Ke-Kero!
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