Hello, folks! It's time to show you The Pink Panther Show. That's right. It's the original series of the Pink Panther Show, but it's remastered. There's some Pink Panther cartoons were created for the show, with The Inspector cartoons, too. There's a new opening/closing sequence theme song and bumpers, too. On occasion (episodes #021 and #032), the scenario would be reversed, with a Pink Panther entry sandwiched by two Inspector entries. Including the laugh track, of course.
Episode 1: The Pink Blueprint / Bomb Voyage / The Pink Tail Fly
Episode 2: Pinto Pink / Le Pig-Al Patrol / In the Pink
Episode 3: Jet Pink (Remastered) / The Pique Poquette of Paris / Tickled Pink
Episode 4: The Pink Pill/ Plastered In Paris/ Pink Pistons
Episode 5: Rock A Bye Pinky/ Toulouse La Trick/ Sink Pink
Episode 6: Prehistoric Pink / Reaux, Reaux, Reaux Your Boat / Come On In! The Water's Pink
Episode 7: Pink Pest Control / Tour de Farce / Pink-A-Boo
Episode 8: Pink Panic / Transylvania Mania / An Ounce of Pink
Episode 9: Prefabricated Pink / Le Bowser Bagger / Sky Blue Pink
Episode 10: Dial "P" for Pink / Napoleon Blown-Aparte / Bully for Pink
Episode 11: Pink Sphinx / Cock-A-Doodle Deux Deux / The Pink Phink
Episode 12: Pink of the Litter / The Great DeGaulle Stone Operation / Shocking Pink
Episode 13: Pink Valiant / Le Quiet Squad / The Hand Is Pinker Than the Eye
Episode 14: Reel Pink / Les Miserobots / Smile Pretty, Say Pink
Episode 15: Put-Put, Pink / French Freud / Pink is a Many Splintered Thing
Episode 16: Exticnt Pink / Le Great Dane Robbery / The Pink Quarterback
Episode 17: Genie with the Light Pink Fur / Cherche Le Phantom / Pinknic
Episode 18: G.I. Pink / Carte Blanched / Pinkadilly Circus
Episode 19: Lucky Pink / The Shooting of Caribou Lou / Pink in the Clink
Episode 20: Little Beaux Pink / Bear de Guerre / The Pink Package Plot
There'll be more episode upcoming, so please wait. How's that? Think Pink!