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Thursday, April 2, 2015
Keroro Gunsou 206 5th season and File: 008 hot springs battle!
Hello! It's time to release Keroro File: 008 and Keroro Gunsou 206!
Keroro 206: Keroro Platoon, Let the Colorful Plan Begins! De Arimasu! / Dororo, Do You Like Natto? De Arimasu!
Keroro File: 008: The Battle for the Hot Springs!
The Keroro Platoon gets tired of their lives on Pekopon since the new season arrived. Narrator gives Keroro an idea to change their colors, and he agreed it. Later on, Natsumi checks the living room and sees a big mess of Keroro's Gunpla. She then checks the calendar and realizes this is Keroro's day to do his chores. Natsumi quickly grabs Keroro's head and him about his chores, but instead, she grabs Dororo in Keroro's colors, making Natsumi confused. Later, Fuyuki mistakes Giroro as Tamama and Aki mistakes Keroro as Giroro, they later explain them they changed their color to match their personalities together. Keroro is red, Giroro is black, Tamama is yellow, Kururu is blue and Dororo is green. The next, Natsumi is still mistaken Dororo as Keroro, even Giroro and Childish Alien mistaken him. Keroro must change their colors again to not cunfuse them which one is real. So, they changed their colors to orange, but they look the same and no one will recognize them. So they changed again and this thim with better colors. Then Mecha Viper arrives to finish their battle, but he didn't recognize them due to their new colors, he then retreated the fight and ran away. The New Keroro Platoon is powerful, even their foes can recognize them, now it's time to invade Pekopon! After the Keroro Platoon returned to their original colors, Keroro came upo with the first invasion plan of the new season, this time it's Dororo's plan to use natto to make people health, but Giroro refuses this plan and telling him natto is not a food. Dororo becomes emotional and tells Giroro to change his mind, but Tamama tells him he also hates it. Now Dororo must convince them to like natto! Soon Tamama goes to Momoka than she also hates natto, so she will go with Tamama and convince Dororo. Dororo's plan wasn't going well, beczuase he made a natto cake which failed because it was all sticky, later he made natto cans juice which also failed because he heated natto up. Then he created a natto lotion to make skin soft and smooth, but it failed because it was too sticky. Maenwhile, Natsumi invites Goriri to eat Natsumi's special natto spaghetti she made, but Giroro doesn't like natto and refuses. Will Dororo convince Giroro and Tamama to like natto?
Now it's time for file: 008 it's based on episode 34a about fighting for a ticket to the hot springs. Fuyuki is shown to have a won a free trip to the hot springs. He is later seen at home deciding who to take, he already knows he is gonna take Natsumi, Aki and Himself, but the fourth one is a mystery. He asks Natsumi for an opinion, and she says that he can't invite Keroro (Shocking the later). Keroro is shown throwing a fit, as Fuyuki tries to calm him down. Natsumi then throws a rubric's cube at Keroro, and tells him if he can solve it he can go with them. Keroro immediately runs off, as Fuyuki says that it's already solved, Natsumi not seeing the problem. Meanwhile, Momoka is watching Fuyuki, as it's revealed that she hired the Hot springs people, to rig the award so that only Fuyuki would win. Momoka is hoping that Fuyuki will choose her to go the hot springs with him and his family. However, Natsumi suggests Koyuki (Who is snuggling up against her) and Fuyuki agrees. This causes Momoka to turn into Brutal Momoka, as she quickly rides off in her private jet to the Hinata's home. Soon she demands Koyuki to give her the ticket, Koyuki rejecting her. However, Kururu shows up, holding the ticket, and says that who ever gets the ticket first wins the hot spring trip. Soon Koyuki is off, using her ninja abilities to get a head start, Momoka quickly putting on the Tamama armor and flying after the ticket. The two girls are shown fighting for awhile until Koyuki catches the ticket. However, Momoka uses the Tamama Cannon to try and get the ticket back. However, the ticket ends up getting burned (As well as Koyuki) as they explain what happened to Aki. Aki soon decides that she'll pay for them all to go. Soon at the hot springs everyone is happy, and relaxing as Fuyuki wonders what happened to Keroro. Keroro is shown cheating as the old narrator comes in to warn him not to do that, Keroro is soon left confused.
Keroro Gunsou 206
Keroro File: 008
Next update will be in a couple of days with Shin Keroro's appearance. How's that? Ke-Kero!
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