Ah! Finally you came to see the new episode, huh? It's Keroro 324! The titles are: Natsumi, Do not Press it! De Arimasu! / Keroro, Invader Rate Check. De Arimasu!
Have you seen a buttons it saids "Do not press"? I think Keroro put these things to mess Natsumi's brain about not to press it or to press it. Their invasion was these buttons, but 556 had stopped once again. Poor Keroro. There's a new a application added to the Kero-Ball, it'san Invader Rate Check. Natsumi and Fuyuki are inside the Kero-Ball, and walking through answering the tests. If their rate score below 30%, they'll be forced backto the boot camp with the Death Balls. And That's why the Keroro Platoon must rescue them before it happens.
Next up is probablyKeroro Gunsou 289. How's that? Ke-Kero!
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