Hi, guys! Christmas are in 9 days, so I hope you'll enjoyed with the Pink Panther. But I finally subbed Keroro 310! Titles are: Tamama, The Kingdom of Snacks. De Arimasu! / Momoka, I'm in Your Care Now. De Arimasu!
Tamama is a leader for the invasion shift today. But his dreams finally came true, because this time he'll turn the Hinatas' house into snacks! But unfortunately, the whole base turned into snacks. Everything is turning into candy, and there's no way to stop it. So remember, don't eat too much, or else you'll get a stomachache. The Nishizawa Peach Group went bankrupt?!
Hey, wait a minute! Momoka can't live in her house because of that? Well, that's true. Now she and her guards must live with the Hinatas for a while. But Paul and the others leaves Momoka alone. So that means Momoka is alone, only alone girl with no money, house, and guards?
Keroro Gunsou 310
Next up is, A new series I'm going to sub, and a Xmas presents COMING SOON. How's that? Ke-Kero!